The Need for a Day Job

  • Sep 30, 2022
  • |

So I’ve only been able to blog every day for the past four weeks (more or less) because I’m recovering from surgery and have a rare long vacation from my day job. But why, if I’m enjoying this leisurely and restful recovery heaven would I want to go back to my day job if I can help it?

My brother says I have two speeds: sleeping and Mach-9. Because of this, I’ve had a tendency to hop jobs when I feel I’m stagnating. A friend once said I have a ginormous brain. And in line with that, I need brainwork to not get too bored. If the work is too repetitive or routine, with no end in sight, it feels like nothing more than a hamster cage and I’m gnawing on the bars to escape as quick as I can from that situation.

That said, I also need some semblance of structure to keep from stagnating too. Projects always get me excited. Whether its researching and writing a manual or organizing an event, I’ve loved projects – provided there’s good teamwork with my colleagues and none of the venom of the political snake pit.

I like a good challenge that I have the skills to solve. Who wouldn’t?

This completely ignores the financial reasons behind not becoming a starving writer… Though for tomorrow’s post, I feel I’d rather explore the driving factors behind why I choose to keep my day job, as opposed to today’s post on why I need it. (If that makes any decipherable sense…)